Transform Your Realities with Inner Dimensional Coaching

"My focus is to unlock the power within you. I already know it exists, and it is my desire to set you free!"

Break free from limiting mindsets and judgement

Live anchored in the truth of who you are

Step into your power as a co-creator of your life

Reside in higher baseline frequencies and hold the vision of the New Earth

Be Guided and Inspired

Be inspired by stories of my lived experiences and receive guidance by applying those principles to your life.

Face Your Fears

Fears are portals that lead us from one timeline into another. They are doors into the unconsciousness that holds us bound, and the key to our liberation.

See the Vision

I am a vision holder for the New Earth and am able to show the way to help others tune-in and unify their vision with others.

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What is Truly at the Core of Transformation?

Firstly, transformation happens incrementally. We are shifting through our inner dimensions of mind, body and spirit towards our personal Truth.

👉🏽 Finding and following our personal Truth *is* the pathway, and it WILL ALWAYS bring us the most success in every facet of life, including:

Financial abundance

Business endeavors

Romantic relationships

Family and personal relationships

Spiritual connection to the Divine

Underlying joy and happiness in life

So, what does a shift look like? Conceptually speaking, transformation is an alteration and integration of a new set of beliefs. Practically speaking, it means we have to confront fears, question our beliefs, release judgements, and adopt an expansive paradigm of reality.

So where do I begin?

👉🏽 The answer: Awareness!

The first step is to begin to identify, or become aware of, those beliefs that keep you looping and are holding you back.

My wayshowing techniques are a powerful medium to access your unconscious mind and to inspire you to adopt new expanding paradigms.

Overview of Offerings


What I call Wayshowing, spiritual life coaching is a process of helping guide someone back to themselves to find their inner Truth.

It takes effort of wading through conditioning and judgement to once again tune to the heart as the constant guiding force of one's life.


I am currently developing several live and masterclass style programs designed to help target specific areas of the awakening process.

I'm inspired most to transmit ways to help others step into their power and become co-creators of their life experience.

Divine Union

My journey took me through a total death and rebirth of my love relationship.

Together we healed infidelity and awakened our union by deepening self-love. We now co-create a united reality through our magnetic alignment and passion-filled love for each other.

Coaching Offerings

Our inner truth is the source of our compass and where spirit's guiding call originates. Yet, it can be befuddled by our conditioning. A true Wayshower is someone who has navigated the path already and is able to inform—from lived experience—about many of the common obstacles and pitfalls, as well offer useful frameworks available to the genuine seeker.


Let's get on a call and connect first to see if the vibe and fit are right.



20 minutes

Whether new to coaching or looking for a new mentor, a discovery call is a great way to start with me. My focus is heart-centered wayshowing to inspire and guide you back to the Source of your Truth, Yourself.

Spiritual Life Coaching

Let's drop in! I'll inspire you through every twist and turn in your life.



75-minute session

With wayshowing, or spiritual life coaching, my intention is to first help you remember who you are. I do this through transferring specific frequencies of realization and inspiring you through my lived experiences. I operate from the paradigm that you are already the healer in your story; therefore, I attempt to awaken that healer in you by activating the self-healing properties of the Self. In this container we can work through any type of block in any aspect of your life. I also offer advanced sessions using a mirroring technique that is highly effective at discovering blocks.



Telegram group access

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4 sessions

Buying a multi-session package is a great way to both go all-in with your healing, but also to add an additional line of communication with me. Besides saving a bit of cash, purchasing a multi-session package gives you access to my private Telegram channel where I share my mind, inspire with personal stories, and give you the inside scoop on how I'm meeting my own personal challenges. The channel gives access to questions and answers as well.

Masterclass Programs

When it comes to learning anything, we have two modes: Conceptual and Experiential. Ingesting vast amounts of concepts is predominantly the method of mainstream learning in our culture, yet it is nearly worthless without experience to integrate the knowledge.

Therefore, the way I design my programs is two-fold. Firstly, I transmit the ideas via potent, distilled, inspirational principles. Then, I offer four specific types of shadow work practices that help integrate the frequencies into the body/mind.


Reframing Your Mind for Co-Creation

Break the mold of limitations in the mind and allow your paradigm to shift into the realm of miracles

There are several extremely helpful mental frameworks that can assist in our evolutionary journey of finding our True Selves. This intensive explores key embodiments that shift our mind from victimization to self-empowerment, from the bondage of looping experiences to breakthroughs in personal freedom, and from feelings of lack and attachment to a full surrender to the infinite possibilities of living an aligned life.

Live Online 1-on-1 Transmission

Stop looping and quickly move through life catalyst

Acquire rare and overlooked principles for manifesting

Level up: confidence, trust, self-love, self-connection

Gain valuable perspectives in how to apply knowledge

Valued At: $655



Reimagined Living

Dive deep into building a conscious vision of your life and open the pathway to your destiny timeline

The Reimagined Living program is an advanced transmission designed to take you deep into your soul through a series of coaching and writing workshops that construct from the ground up a new vision for your life. This is a highly imaginative program, rooted in confronting an enormous number of limiting beliefs across nearly all aspects of your current paradigm. This program uses a structured approach of breaking life into twelve distinct aspects, taking a detailed look at each space. It will leverage the unique capabilities of both the left and right brain to envision a new life as a balanced and expanded view that taps into the unlimited potential of true conscious living.

The output of this program will be a comprehensive book detailing an entirely new and expanded life vision, written by you, for you. This book will be a cornerstone that will serve you throughout the remainder of your conscious human life. You’ll be able to continue and are encouraged to refine, build, adjust and update your book as you evolve.

Launching Soon

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